Saturday, May 29, 2010


well last night doan and i went to the mall with doan and jessica. mann jessica was really annoying...she kept asking soo many questions and sayongblack ppl do this and black ppl do that and it was just really annoying. well any way i used doans phone to talk to johnny yesterday and he asked me to go see a movie with him!! yea! :D haha and we've talked like every night for the past week. for a couple hours at a time :) tee-hee and then today a few cadets went to the cemetary to put flags on the soldiers grave. when i got there he gave me a hug first and he was really close to me the whole time. and when we werent doing actually working he was really close to me and flirting with me and stuff. but marissa was ALL over him. i mean like she stuck her hand in his pocket and basically forcing him to hold her hand. but he would walk up behind me and hold MY hand. yeah we were walking away from the cemetary and he was holding my hand( but marissa was holding his hand first, cuz shes soo pushy, but he walked away from her and came over to me to hold my hand) and we were walking really really close like we were going out :) it was awesome. then i got a ride home from MSGhouse and there were five ppl so i ended up sitting on johnnys lap. and he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my arm (but marissa was holding his hand again its kind of annoying, not in the jealous sense but more of who forces ppl to hold your hand and makes you give them hugs?? like really?? who is honestly that pushy?? wow shes so annoying.) then i got out and he tickled me. but its okay cuz i know he likes me and he keeps saying shes being annoying so im good. plus theres that one girl madronio and usually hes really close to her and i used to think they liked each other(they did but...not so much anymore) even when he had a gf they would be all over each other, but today he actually chose to hang out with me over her :) yup yup this is sooo awesome. haha

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